Rules and Regulations of St. Lawrence Old Boys’ Association

1. In these Rules and Regulations, unless there is anything repugnant to or inconsistent with the subject or context, the meanings are as defined below:


(b) “MEMBER” means a member of the Society for the time being.

(c) “GOVERNING BODY” means the Governing Body of the Society for the time being constituted as hereinafter mentioned.

(d) “YEAR” means the calendar year commencing from 1st (January) April and ending with 31st (December) March of the same year.

(e) The “SECRETARY” means the Honorary Secretary of the Society for the time being.


Membership of the Society shall be open to all persons who have taught or studied for a minimum period of (two) four years in St. Lawrence High School, (Calcutta) Kolkata, or have studied for a minimum period of two years and have passed a board or council examination from the school, as well as to their wives without distinction of caste, colour, creed or nationality, provided the Governing Body shall always have the right to close or throw open admission to the society of any or all classes of members as and when it so deems proper.

3. There shall be three classes of members viz.: (i) Ordinary member (ii) Life Member and (iii) Honorary Member.

(i) Ordinary Member:

Any person fulfilling the criteria laid down in clause 2 above and paying the annual Subscription of RS. 10/- may be elected as an Ordinary Member of the Society. However, for persons who have not commenced any gainful occupation in life, the annual subscription will be RS. 5/-.

(ii) a) Life Member:

Any ordinary member paying himself or arranging through an associate or trust a donation to the corpus of the society of a sum not less than RS. (250/-) 2,000/- to the corpus fund of the Society may be elected its Life Member, provided however that a student of the school passing out his class XII board examination from the school and fulfilling the criteria laid down in clause 2 above may become a Life Member by paying 50% of the regular amount payable for Life Membership upto 31st March of the year following his passing out. A Life Member shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of an Ordinary Member of the Society.

(ii) b) Silver Privilege Member:

There will be a special category of Life Membership called SILVER PRIVILEDGE MEMBERSHIP wherein any person fulfilling the criteria laid down in clause 2 above may paying himself or arrange through an associate or trust a donation to the corpus of the society of a sum of RS. 15,000/- may be elected as a Silver Privilege Member of the Society. A Silver Privilege Member may enjoy special benefits in all events of the Society as decided by the Governing Body of the Society from time to time.
Any present Life Member may upgrade his or her membership to that of a Silver Privilege member by donating the difference of the amount paid as his initial Life Membership donation and the present donation amount of RS. 15,000/-.

(iii) Honorary Member:

The Governing Body may invite any person whom it thinks fit to become an Honorary Member for such duration as the Governing Body may decide and he shall not be required to pay any subscription during Honorary Member will not be eligible to be a member of the Governing Body nor shall be entitled to vote in any meeting.

4.(a) A candidate for election as Ordinary or Life Member shall submit an application for admission on the prescribed form may be suspended for such time as the Governing Body may decide from time to time.

(b) Such application may be taken up for consideration by the Governing Body in due course at its meeting in which at least four of its members shall be present. The Governing Body shall have the power to:

(i) Accept the application provided the application is approved by the majority of the members of the Governing Body present at the meeting or,

(ii) Defer consideration of any application until such time as may be decided, or,

(iii) Reject the application without assigning any reason there for.

The voting, if any, for the aforesaid purposes may be held by secret ballot or otherwise as may be decided by the Governing Body from time to time. The decision of the Governing Body shall be final and no reasons shall be assignable therefore.

(c) On the decision of an application the Secretary shall forthwith notify the facts to the person concerned. If elected, the latter shall pay the annual subscription as prescribed within one month from the date of despatch of the intimation, failing which the Governing Body, may, at its option, cancel the election.

(d) Any person failing to be elected as a member of the Society shall not be eligible for consideration for membership till a period of two years has elapsed from the date of the decision of the Governing Body refusing his candidature.

5. Register of Members:

The Society shall maintain a Register of members containing their names, addresses and occupations, the date of cessation of membership etc. The Register will be kept open for inspection of the members of society on requisition.

6. Subscription for the year shall be payable in one instalment by 31st March of that year. Members admitted during the year will pay their subscription for the whole year in one instalment.

7. Any member whose subscription remains in arrears after 31st March of the year may be served with a notice under a certificate of posting at his last address as recorded in the register of members.
Any such member who fails to pay up his arrears within one month from the date of notice may be served with a final notice in the aforesaid manner and if within two weeks the date of posting of such final notice his arrears remain unpaid, his name may be removed from the register of members of the Society without any further notice. Any member whose subscription is in arrears beyond 31st March shall not be entitled to any rights or privileges of a member till all his arrears are cleared.

8. A member shall, subject to other provisions of these Rules and Regulations, enjoy the following rights and privileges:

(a) To discuss and vote on any matter referred to the General Meeting,

(b) To participate in all activities and enjoy all amenities of the Society provided in the Rules, Regulations and Bye-laws,

(c) To receive a copy of the annual roster as well as any magazine as and when published by the Society provided that such communication may also be sent electronically and to wear such pin and or Tie as the Society may provide.

(d) Accounts of the Society will be audited by 31st July every year and the Annual Report, Audited Accounts and Election Notice as applicable will be circulated to all members at least 30 days before the AGM.

9. A member entitled to vote at a General meeting (either Annual or Extra Ordinary) of the Society must be present in the meeting and cannot authorize any other person to act as a proxy for him.

10. No member shall have the right to vote at any annual or Extra-ordinary General Meeting of the Society unless his subscription upto date has been paid.

11. Cessation of Membership:

Membership of the Society shall terminate:

(a) By resignation in writing to the Honorary Secretary or,

(b) On default of payment of subscription as referred to in Rule No.7, or,

(c) When the Governing Body takes action to remove the name of any member from the roll of the Society as contemplated in Rule 21 hereinafter mentioned.

12. Unless otherwise decided by the Governing Body a person who has ceased to be a member of the Society shall not be eligible for re-admission as its member unless he tenders along with his application current annual subscription and all moneys due to the Society.


Composition and Election:

(a) The Governing Body shall comprise not less than five and not more than thirteen members, out of whom, two shall be from amongst the Jesuit Fathers and not more than two members may be coopted by the Governing Body.

(b) The office bearers of the Governing Body shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer.

(i) The Governing Body shall remain in office for a period normally not exceeding two years at the end of which three of its members as decided by the Governing Body shall retire, and if eligible, may offer themselves for re-election.

(ii) The elections will be conducted under an Election Officer to be appointed by the Governing Body in a valid meeting by 15th June every election year and who will be a valid member of the Society for a period of more than five years on 31st March of the year in which the elections are due.

(iii) The Election Officer may appoint at his discretion Assisting Officers and Scrutinizers who will be valid members of SLOBA as on 31st March with intimation to the Governing Body of SLOBA by 31st August, both dates of the year in which elections are due.

(iv) Only those persons becoming members of the Society on or before 31st March of the year in which elections are to be held will be eligible to vote and the list of all such members eligible to vote will be displayed on SLOBA notice board by 30th of June every election year.
(v) The last date for filing of nomination will be 3 (THREE) weeks before the date of elections that of withdrawal of nomination will be 2 (TWO) weeks before the date of elections.

(vi) The final list of candidates standing for the elections will be published and displayed on the SLOBA notice board at least 10 (TEN) days before the date of the elections.

(vii) The results of the elections will be declared during the process of the AGM and before its conclusion.

(viii) The new governing body will be formed within 15 (fifteen) days of declaration of election results.

(d) The Governing Body may remove any member from the Governing Body provided that not less than three-fourth of the members of the Governing Body vote in favour of such a removal at the meeting. Any vacancy in the Governing Body on any account whatsoever shall be filled up by the Governing Body and subsequently ratified at the Annual General Meeting.

(e) The Governing Body shall appoint a Vice-President, an Honorary Secretary, an Asst. Honorary Secretary and a Treasurer from amongst its members for such continuous period normally not exceeding two years as the Governing Body may decide.

(f) The (Rector) Jesuit Father in charge of Academic responsibilities of St. Lawrence High School, (Calcutta) Kolkata shall be the President of the Society.

14. The Society shall have a seal with its name engraved thereon and its Governing Body shall have the power from time to time to destroy the same and substitute a new seal in lieu there of. The seal shall be affixed in the presence of at least two members authorized by the Governing Body Members. The Secretary shall be responsible for the safe custody of the seal.

15. The General Management of the affairs of the society shall vest in its Governing Body. The Governing Body shall submit to the members at the Annual General Meeting, a report of the working of the Society during the year under review together with the duly audited account of the year.


(a) A meeting of the Governing Body shall ordinarily be held at least once in every three months on not less than seven clear days’ notice in writing by the Secretary or in this absence by any Governing Body member of the Society provided that such communication may also be sent electronically. Any emergent meeting of the Governing Body may be held on shorter notice. Minutes of all the meetings shall be recorded and confirmed. Four members personally present shall form the quorum at the meetings of the Governing Body for conducting routine business, for any major business, quorum shall be constituted by at least two-third majority. If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes of the time, the members present will adjourn the meeting.

(b) All matters at Governing Body Meeting shall be decided by the majority of the votes of the members of the Governing Body present at the meeting, unless otherwise expressly provided in the rules and regulations.

(c) A resolution approved by circulation by at least a majority of the members of the Governing Body shall have the same force as if it were passed by a meeting of the Governing Body regularly held, except in case of major business where Rule 16(a) shall apply.

(d) In absence of quorum, meeting will stand adjourned to the same day next week at the same time and place and it the same day next week be a gazetted holiday to the following day of that week. If the quorum is still not present within half an hour, members present will form the quorum.

17. Termination of Membership:

A member of the Governing Body absenting himself from three consecutive meeting or for six months, whichever is longer, without leave of the Governing Body shall, If the Governing Body so desires, be liable to be removed from the membership of the Governing Body.

18. Powers and Duties of the Governing Body:

(a) The Governing Body may from time to time appoint sub-committees consisting of member as and when necessary and assign to them such duties and delegate to them such powers as the Governing Body may deem proper. Each of the sub-committees shall be guided by the Rules, Regulations and Bylaws generally applicable to the sub committee except where otherwise specified by the Governing Body. Such sub committee shall function for such time, unless dissolved earlier, as the Governing Body may decide. The Governing Body may nominate any of its members to be ex-officio members of all sub committees.

(b) The Governing Body may elect such eminent people as it thinks fit as patrons of the society.

19. The Governing Body shall have power from time to time to make such by laws as may appear to it conductive to the good administration of the Society and amend, alter, or modify and any existing Bye- laws and do all such acts or things as it may think fit for promoting the interest and general welfare of the society, subject to their not contravening any of the provisions of the Rules and Regulations as contained herein.

20. (a) The Governing Body may from time to time for the purposes of the Society raise or borrow money from or make arrangements for finance with accredited persons, banks, firms, companies or institutions and may secure the payment of such money in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as it thinks fit, provided that in case of major projects the matter be referred for ratification to the General Body.

(b) The Governing Body shall, subject to the provisions contained in Rules 30 and 31 be responsible for the safe custody of the property of the Society. The Governing Body may invest fund, if any, of the Society in shares, debentures, Government Securities, and Bank deposits of any kind and may at its discretion purcha sew, sell, mortgage any movable or immovable property as it thinks proper in the interest of the Society and may without security advance money to any individual, firm, company, institution, Society on such terms and conditions as it may decide, provided however, any decision of the Governing Body of purchase, sell, mortgage any moveable or immovable property exceeding in value 10 percent of the corpus of the Society must be approved by three-fourth majority of the Governing Body in its meeting when a minimum number of eight Governing Body members are present.

(c) The Governing Body shall have power to contribute to and donate from the fund and or properties of the Society in cash or kind for charitable, philanthropic, benevolent and public purposes and proper, subject to the aims and objectives of the Society.

21. (a) The Governing Body shall have power to remove the name of any member from the roll of the Society by at least three-fourth majority of the members present without assigning any reason and their decision in the matter shall be final.

(b) The Governing Body shall have the power to remove the name of any member from the roll of the society if such member (i) is found to be of unsound mind by any Court of law (ii) he is adjudicated an insolvent or adjudged insolvent by any Court of Law or convicted by any Court of Law for any offence involving moral turpitude.


(a) The Governing Body or the trustee of the society shall be responsible for the safe custody of the funds and assets of the society.

(b) The funds of the Society shall be kept in some nationalized Bank.


The books of accounts and other statutory books shall be kept at the registered office and shall be open to inspection of the members of the Governing Body during usual office hours, and the same shall be open to inspection of the members at such time and place as the Governing Body directs on a written request made by any member.


The accounting year of the society shall be 1st April of any year to 31st March of the following year.


Annual General Meeting:

The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held once in every year on at least 15 days’ notice to be published in at least one Calcutta daily. The members present in person shall form the quorum. In the absence of the President, the Governing Body members shall elect one amongst themselves to preside over the meeting. In case of absence of such an elected person the members present shall elect one from amongst themselves to preside over the meeting provided however the preference will be given to a member of the Governing Body if he is present and willing to preside.

The business to be transacted in the Annual General Meeting shall be:-

(a) Confirmation of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting and special General Meeting If any,

(b) Adoption, with or without modifications, of the report of the working of the Society for the previous year ended 31st December.

(c) Passing of the audited accounts for the previous year.

(d) Appointment of Auditors and fixing their remuneration.

(e) Consideration of the proposals, if any, for additions and alternations of these Rules and Regulations of which due notice has been given as hereinafter provided for in Rule 34.

(f) Consideration of any matter, resolution, confirmation or ratification thereof that may have been forwarded by the Governing Body,

(g) Election of Governing Body members, as provided for in Rule 13(c), by a simple majority,

(h) Any business of which due notice has been given to the Secretary at least ten days before the date of the Annual General Meeting,

(i) Any other business by the permission of the Chair.

26. If after issuance of the notice, the Annual General Meeting is not held or is prematurely dissolved owing to any unforeseen circumstances, a fresh notice shall be given for a fresh Annual General Meeting within such period as the Governing Body may deem proper notwithstanding any thing contained in this Rule or Regulations referred to herein.

27. Special General Meeting:

The Governing Body may convene a Special General Meeting on 15 days’ notice for consideration for an urgent matter. Members may also request the Governing Body for a special General Meting by forwarding a requisition signed by one-third of the total members. In such a case, the Governing Body shall convene the meeting within a month from the date or receipt of the notice. Ten members present in person shall form the quorum.

28. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting:

The Governing Body may call an Extra-ordinary General Meeting on 15 days’ notice. Ten members in person shall form the quorum, and a resolution shall be deemed to be carried if accepted by three-fourth majority.



The President if present in person and presiding at the Annual General Meeting, Special General Meetings, meetings of the Governing Body and the meeting of the Sub-Committees shall in case of a tie, have a second or a casting vote.

30. Secretary:

The Honorary Secretary shall, subject to the Control and direction of the Governing Body who may at its discretion delegate or otherwise deal with any of the matters referred hereinafter.

(a) have charge of all correspondence of the Society and to ensure that all correspondence, records and documents of the Society and properly filed and preserved,

(b) have custody of, and maintain in good order and condition all office furniture and other properties of the society.

(c) open an account in the name or on behalf of the society with any Bank or post office as may be approved by the Governing Body and such account shall be operated jointly by any two of such number of members as be Governing Body may specify.

(d) arrange to keep a complete, correct and up-to-date stock book of all properties of the society and have an annual stock taking made of all such.

(e) general supervision over the staff, that may be appointed from time to time by the society.

(f) arrange to keep a register of members and shall enter therein the particulars regarding name, occupation and address of each member the date of admission and the date on which a member has passed out of the school.

(g) be responsible for all statutory and legal obligations of the Society, e.g. file returns, submit papers and all other documents etc.

(h) Prepare and lay before the Governing Body a draft annual report of the working of the Society,

(i) Cause minutes of all meetings of the Governing Body and of the Annual General Meeting and special General Meeting, to be correctly recorded, confirmed and kept,

(j) have power to incur any expenditure, not exceeding a sum as specified by the Governing Body and as may be conducive to the attainment and furthering of the objects of the Society,

(k) do all such acts and things as may, from time to time to be decided by the Governing Body and as may be conductive to the attainment and furthering of the objects of the Society.

31. The Honorary Secretary or any other member(s) specified by the Governing Body shall, subject to the general control and direction of the Governing Body:

(a) invest, deposit and/or advance the funds of the Society not immediately required in such securities banks or otherwise, as may from time to time be decided by the Governing Body,

(b) be in charge of all the funds of the Society.

(c) be authorized to make payments on behalf of the Society,

(d) issue receipts for payments received on behalf of the Society,

(e) arrange to collect subscriptions and other dues, if any, from members,

(f) cause the requisite notices to be served on the defaulting members,

(g) obtain from sectional secretaries or sub-committees and other members, statements of accounts, if any,

(h) maintain or cause to be maintained the accounts, of the society and shall be in charge of the books of accounts, records and documents,

(i) shall at all times keep an imprest cash as may be necessary,

(j) shall get the annual accounts of the Society audited by a duly qualified auditor and obtain the auditor’s report thereon.

32. Treasurer:

Subject to Rule 30(c), the signatories who may jointly sign cheques and operate banking accounts on behalf of the Society and issue instructions to the bank or bank as the Governing Body shall be as follows:

(a) the President or the Treasurer;

(b) any one of two from amongst the Governing Body members as authorized by the Governing Body.


(a) All suits and legal proceedings by or against the society shall be in the name of the Secretary or such person as shall be appointed by the Governing Body for that purpose and who shall completely represent the Society in such matters.

(b) All funds and properties for the Society movable and immovable, shall be deemed to be vested in the Governing Body for the time being, who will have power to make all kinds of transfer or otherwise dispose of or improve or manage or develop in manner as it will think fit. The Governing Body shall also have power to invest the funds in such securities as they may deem fit from time to time and shall make arrangements for the safe custody of the property of the society.


No addition to, subtraction from, alternation or modification of these rules and regulations shall be made unless a resolution to this effect has been passed by at least one-fourth majority of the members present voting in person at a meeting (Annual General or Special General) duly convened and the proposed additions, alterations etc. having been duly notified in advance.


(a) The Society may be dissolved by a resolution to that effect passed by three-fourths of the members of the Society present at a special General Meeting specifically called for the purpose. The quorum for such meeting shall be at least one-third the total number of effective number of effective members on the rolls of the Society.

(b) In the event of dissolution, funds and assets of the Society shall not be utilized for any purpose other than those in conformity with the aims and objectives of the Society.

We, the undersigned members of the First Governing Body of the Society, do hereby certify that above is a true copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Society.

Signature Name & Address
1. SD/- Santanu Chatterjee Golf Green Urban Complex Calcutta 700 045
2. SD/- Debashis Nandy 3 Ibrahimpur Road Calcutta 700 032
3. SD/- Prabir Neogi Golf Green Urban Complex Calcutta 700 045

Dated 2nd day of May 1985.

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